Every year Commonwealth agencies pay a huge amount of money in government payments program allocated for delivering services. These services are provided to the people of Australia under the Commonwealth programs such as disability support, child care, aged care, etc.
The Government Payments Program (GPP), which was established to implement equality among the Commonwealth programs, aims to:
- Ensure that service providers getting government payments from Commonwealth agencies are maintaining their tax and superannuation regulations.
- Integrate system unity across the various Commonwealth programs
- Make the most out of the value of ATO data by utilising the current data sharing framework.
Unfortunately, there are a few providers who exploit these government programs. They unlawfully claim payments that they are not supposed to get, or receive payments without meeting tax and superannuation obligations.
To address this issue, the ATO plans to implement a new data-matching program with eight Commonwealth agencies which will enable the ATO to:
- Identify and take action regarding non-compliance with tax and superannuation regulations by the service providers who receive government payments
- Save the integrity of both Australian tax system and government programs
SMG Group can assist customers to comply with the new changes. It can help you make sure your financial obligations are being met in accordance with the new change in the Government Payments Program. We ensure all your tax obligations – starting from superannuation to accounting, are precise, up to date and properly taken care of.